Public speaking, communication, leadership JBTMC

Monday 13 May 2024

What is the President's Distinguished Club in Toastmasters? Each year the Distinguished Club Program recognizes club achievements in education, membership growth, club leadership and club communication.


Michael Chu said...

*Distinguished Club Program Goals*
In the Distinguished Club Program, there are ten goals that serve as targets to help a club become a stronger organization. The goals are sumarized below. For more information, refer to the Distinguished Club Program and Club Success Plan.

Education Goals: Up to six of the Pathways Level goals below
1. Four members complete Level 1
2. Two members complete Level 2
3. Two more members complate Level 2
4. Two members complete Level 3
5. One member completes Level 4, Level 5 or DTM
6. One more member completes Level 4, Level 5 or DTM
Membership Goals
7. Add four new members
8. Add four more new members
Officer Training Goal
9. Have a minimum of four officers trained during each of the two Club Officer Training periods
Administration Goal
10. Submit one membership dues renewal report and one club officer list to Toastmasters International before the deadline

By achieving a certain number of the targets in this program, a club can earn one of three levels of recognition:

Achieve five of ten goals = Distinguished Club
Achieve seven of ten goals = Select Distinguished Club
Achieve nine of ten goals = President's Distinguished Club
Membership Requirement
To be eligible for recognition under the Distinguished Club Program, a club must end the Toastmasters year on June 30 with twenty or more members OR with a net increase of at least three members since beginning of the Toastmasters year July 1. Note that the three member increase is a tempory cxhange from the five member increase. It will only be in effect for the 2022-23 and 2023-24 Toastmasrer terms.

Tracking Your Club's Success
In October, January and April your club president will receive an e-mail reminder to check your club’s progress online. The report will show your membership base, current membership and progress toward the 10 goals. Following the June 30 close date, and after all data received has been processed, your club president will be sent a final, year end report showing how the club did and any recognition it earned.

Any club member can track how his or her club is doing in the Distinguished Club Program by visiting the Dashboard on the Toastmasters International website.

Chin Phai Chan said...

You need to elaborate on how can a club achieve the President's Distinguished Club status. How many points from educational and how many points from administration which includes COT, updating of renewal and updating of newly installed eco members and new members recruitment in TI website.

Ng Ching Yee said...

Club Officers and members work together to achieve President's Distinguished Club. Well done! Keep up the spirit!

Ng Ching Yee said...

To be considered for recognition, club must either have 20 members or a net growth of at least five new members as of June 30

Ng Ching Yee said...

Clubs get a DCP point when 4 members complete level 1, when 2 members complete level 2, when another 2 members complete level 2, when 2 members complete level 3, when a member completes a level 4, 5 or DTM or when another member completes a level 4, 5 or DTM.

Ng Ching Yee said...

Administration DCP point. A club gets 1 DCP point by submitting a club officer list by the end of June; plus, by submitting 1 set of club dues (by Sept 30 or by March 31) for at least 8 members (the numbers of dues required to be an active club.

Ng Ching Yee said...

These club officers need to be trained to understand their responsibilities. Therefore, the district team arranges training twice a year.

Clubs that train a minimum of 4 out of 7 club officer positions in BOTH rounds offered from June to August and November to February receive a DCP point.

Ng Ching Yee said...

There are several ways to get DCP education points. Clubs get a DCP point when 4 members complete level 1, when 2 members complete level 2, when another 2 members complete level 2, when 2 members complete level 3, when a member completes a level 4, 5 or DTM or when another member completes a level 4, 5 or DTM.

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