Public speaking, communication, leadership JBTMC

Thursday 6 June 2024

*WHY is it important to organize a speech?*Organizing speeches serves two important functions. First, organization helps improve clarity of thought in a systematic way. Second, audience understand organized speech, hence Increasing the effectiveness of a speech.


Dr John Foo said...

Writing a speech is similar to write a piece of music. In order for a piece of music to catch the audience's attention, all the different music instruments must be arranged until the composer gets a melodious and unforgettable musical score. Dr John Foo

Ng Ching Yee said...

Dr John Foo, I agree with you.
Music has the power to move our memories and imagination. Writing is like music. Like a song, writing has beats. Write one paragraph to another without missing a beat.

Ng Ching Yee said...

Thanks for sharing such a really helpful guide.

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